Post-Surgical Precautions

  • Relax after surgery.
  • Avoid excessive effort or exercise for 24 hours.
  • Start painkillers before pain starts
  • Apply cold pack to the outside of the face in the operated area 15 minutes on and 15 minutes off for a minimum of 4 hours. This is to decrease swelling.
  • During the first day, blood stained saliva is normal. Apply pressure to the area using clean gauze or a wet tea bag for 15 minutes. If this does not work, a piece of cotton is wetted with vitamin K and applied with some pressure to the bleeding area for 10 minutes. If excessive bleeding continues, please call for an emergency appointment. Don’t panic and try to remember that the blood you see is mostly saliva.
  • Don’t rinse using hot water, just cold water, and swish gently.
  • Follow a soft food diet for 3-4 days following your surgery.
  • Food and drinks should be cold for the first 24 hours following surgery.
  • Avoid any spicy, salty or excessively hot food or drinks for the first 24 hours.
  • Oral hygiene and brushing should be practiced regularly; however, for the operated area, use Chlorhexidine antiseptic or any other mouthwash prescribed by your dentist.
  • Avoid cigarettes and alcohols.
  • It is extremely important to follow the antibiotic course until the end. If the antibiotic causes side-effects, discontinue the medication and contact your dentist.







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